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my busy day yesterday and other stuff Mood: content Eating: Bertie Bott's every flavor beans Listening to: Your Wildest Dreams by Moody Blues (side note: I'll always have the mood thing, but I'm only gonna have the eating, listening to etc. thing when it's relevant. Just wanted to say that prob. for no reason but oh well lol) Well I was supposed to go to the Employment office today, but I put that off. Not only was I tired from yesterday (I'll talk more about the day in a bit), but I woke up w/ a really sore back, and I think I am getting a cold. I am making it a point to go Wed. I would go tomorrow, but Lucy has an appt. so she can't go w/ me and I really want her to. Anyway, about yesterday- It was very busy, but fun as usual. I just went w/ my mom. We went to a thrift store, and I got 2 books (Lonesome Dove and Interview w/ the Vampire), then we went to the Camarillo outlet mall and went to the book store there. They have books there that retail for $15, but sell there for $5!! It is very cool! so, I got an astrology book, a book on OCD (cause I have that) and "The Worst Case Scenario" book. I also got "Meditations on Middle Earth" which is a collection of various author's comments and writings on Tolkien's works. I got that for my sis for her birthday, but I am gonna read it too! Oh yeah, before we went to the outlet mall, we went to a place called Infusium which is near our house. It's sort of like a Hot Topic. I got a really cool shirt w/ a sun on the front and a moon on the back, but the sun and moon have dragon faces! It is so awesome! It was kinda expensive, but my Mom said she'd get it for me as long as she can give it to me for my b-day. I don't mind waiting as long as I get to have the shirt lol! So, then I saw LOTR posters, and they had 6 to choose from (they had small pictures of them on the wall and then you could pick the one you wanted out of a bin). The best was one that had everyone, including Legolas of course and even Pippin and Merry! I really wanted to get that one, but they were sold out. I didn't see any others w/ Legolas :( but I did see another one w/ Pippin and Merry. Actually, it is the scene where they are behind the tree hiding from the Wringwraith, so it has Frodo, Sam, Pippin, and Merry :) I of course got that for my sis for her b-day. She is going to be sooo happy! :D So back to the outlet mall... after we had bought the books (I love books!) we went and got some Thai food to eat. I love Thai food! I got chai tea cause I always do when I have tai food. Chai tea is so yummy! Then after that, we went down to Ojai. When we were in downtown Ojai, I saw a lady walking 2 dogs and I asked if they were nice and if I could pet them. She said yes, and they were such sweet dogs! One was nice, but shy, but the other one man! He was trying to lick me to death LOL! Oh, they were full and part pitbull 2 so chalk up 2 more dogs on my list of totally sweet pitbulls! I think I have lost count now! Anyway, after that we went to an antiques store, but we didn't buy anything. Then we went to this store called Rains which is kinda like a Dept. store mixed w/ a Pier 1 Imports. I think my fave thing to look at there is the garden stuff cause they have all these statues like gnomes and animals and fairies. It is neat, but they are kinda expensive so I just like to look. I bought 2 chocolate rasberry sqares there and gave one to my Mom. Then we went to see my aunt again. My mom always likes to visit her when we are in Ojai. She was eating and looked like she was doing pretty well. My mom and I said hi and she kind of looked at us. I think she realized someone was there, but I don't know if she knew who. We sat down next to her and my mom was just massaging her shoulders while she ate. Then we left and went to this used book store called Bart's books. My mom exchanged some of her old books for credit so she can buy other books, but they didn't have time to sort out all the books this time, so she has to go back next weekend :P hopefully they will have the credit then. I did not buy anything there cause I fig. I had gotten enough books for the day ;) After we left the book store, my mom wanted to visit her friend Margot. Margot is very nice and kind of my friend too, but not as much as Moms. Mom and her have known eachother since they were 2 years old! The only person I have known for that long (well a little longer lol) that is my age is my twin sister! So we went to visit her and her bf is of course watching the football game and I think Margot wanted to get out. We all went to this pizza place. We got a veggie pizza and then shared an apple cobbler and had some coffee w/ it. That was a good time just enjoying the coffee and desert and talking. When we got back to Margots, we decided to have a circle to help us w/ a lot of things such as prosperity and creativity. We all got to call a corner and since I am youngest I got to choose first. I called earth and I did it diff. than usual. Mom and Margot said I did a really good job and I was glad cause I have been trying to do better w/ the circles and calling the corners. We said goodbye to Margot after the circle. We all had a big group hug which was nice :) Then Mom and I headed home. So, as you can see it was a very busy day! We got out around 11 am and didn't get home till about 11 pm! But it was fun :) Oh yeah! I almsot forgot! Last night I had a dream that I met Elijah! I dreamt that I wrote to him and for some odd reason Josh Hartnett. I don't even like Josh H., but I dreamt I wrote to both of them and then they wrote me back saying they would stop by for a visit (Yeah, in my dreams! Oh... wait! lol). I had to go get something at the store w/ my mom (in the dream) and then when I got back I came through the front door and they were sitting on the couch. I was the only one there w/ them (my mom, dad and sis were not in that part of the dream). I was asking them how they were and they said fine and I asked if my hair looked alright cause I had to put it up again. They were like, yeah, it looks nice and I remember going "it's not poofy in the front?" lol and they were like no, it looks good. They were sweet as I'm sure they prob. are in real life. I was looking at Elijah the most of course ;) He looked so cute in my dream! I am glad I dreamt about him :D The only thing that would have made the dream perfect is if Josh had been replaced w/ Orli, but hopefully I will have a dream about him soon! Anyway, that is the first dream I have had involving anyone from LOTR (that I can remember anyway). Hopefully I will have alot more! Oh yeah, I thought I should say I'm glad the Bucaneers won! I am so not into football, but when the SB comes I always pick a team and then I go shopping that day, but I ask my dad who won when I get home. Most people here like the Raiders cause they're from Cali, but I like the Buccs cause not only do I like their name better (stupid reason to some people, but not to me lol), but they are from Tampa Bay and that is where Nick is from! I am sure he was rooting for them, so I wanted to too :) Speaking of Nick and Elijah, it is both their b-days tomorrow! Nick is turning 23 and Eli is turning 22! My sis and I wanted to get a cake, but my Dad's b-day is the 2nd of Feb. so we are gonna get an ice cream cake for him, but me and my sis were saying it could kinda be to celebrate Nick and Eli's b-days too. I know, we are pathetic but oh well lol. My sis and I won Jak and Daxter! We got all of the power cells! We were kinda expecting a bigger ending, but I'm sure they are gonna have a sequel so hopefully it will have a cooler ending lol. I'm really glad we beat it. I will prob. play it again though or at least some of the levels. It's a fun game :) I am eating Bertie botts jelly beans! Isn't that nice to know? I love those things as long as I get good flavors lol I just watched the Gap commercial w/ Orli again *sigh* I watched it 2 times lol :) I love at the end of it when he's running and he smiles real big *sigh again*! Hmmm, I guess that's all for now. This is def. one of my longest entries so far. Catch ya later! |