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busy day and stuff MOOD - Content The day before yesterday was very busy, but fun as usual. First I had an appt. w/ my counselor. That went ok, but I found out they can't help w/ find a job until I've been w/ them for 6 mos. so I'm gonna have to go somewhere else for that. Anyway... Then I went to get my prescriptions filled (Paxil and Zyprexa for anxiety and depression :P). It was gonna take about 30 mins. so I went to Carls Jr. and had a breakfast sandwich and some coffee. I read for a while and then went back to get my prescriptions. I REALLLLY need to get some insurance! Dang! Ok, I had a coupon for the paxil so it was free, but the Zyprexa was $103! That's just ridiulous. I understand people need to make money, but that is too much in my op. Ok, so than I went home and my dad wanted to go shopping and I wanted to do some more shopping so we both went. We went to Walmart and I wanted to go there to get these shoe scent things. They are these balls (about the size of golf balls) and you put them in your shoe and they release a nice scent so your feet don't smell. Anyway, at the store I used to work at in W.Virginia, there was one that had a really cool pic. of a native american style turle on it. I wanted to use it for my tatoo, but for some stupid reason I didn't buy it. I had the money, but I was just not thinking I guess. I was hoping they would have it here, but of course they didn't *sigh* Well hopefully I will find another pic that works. Oh yeah, before we went to Wall mart, we went to Blockbuster because I had to pay off a bill, and also I wanted to rent some movies. Apparently, Blockbuster doesn't carry Empire Records :( and They doesn't come out till Aug or July so I am gonna have to wait to see that. But, they had a sale for used videos where if you buy 2, you can get 1 free. So I bought MIB2, The Time Machine, and got Resident Evil free. I love buying used movies! lol. Dad got an Alfred Hitchcock movie called strangers on a train, but it wasn't used so he didn't get any movies besides that. After Walmart, we went to Costco. We got ALOT of stuff there lol. We always do. Costco is very convenient because you can get alot of stuff and then you don't have to go shopping as much or at least it takes you longer to use up some stuff. I can't rememer all the stuff we bought, but my dad bought me (and my sis) 2 video games (zapper and egg mania) which are really fun, and he also let me get 8 mile. I have never seen that so hopefully I like it lol. Alot of my friends like it and I've been wanting to see it for a while, so yeah. I think my dad let me (and my sis) get those things partly because it is close to our b-day so it was kinda like early b-day presents :) After Costco, we went to Subway and I had a veggie max again. That is really good :) We bought my sis one and took that home to her (she didn't feel like going out) and then we went home. Pretty good day :) Ok, then there is today. I slept in again dangit! I woke up around 10 and my dad was saying he was gonna get the dog food (her food ran out and I was supposed to get it, but my dad had to go out anyway), and was like Ok, and then I fell back asleep till like 3 pm! Oh well, at least I wasn't planning on doing anything today. I watched Resident Evil w/ Lucy today. That movie scared her. It didn't really scare me. I guess because I've seen it too many times. I think it scared me the first time I saw it. I can't really remember. Anyway... I guess that's it :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |