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ROTK and other stuff First of all, I saw ROTK yesterday! My sister and I saw a 11:59 pm showing. I loved it, but of course it was different than the book. There were alot of changes, but overall it was a very good adaptation. I missed some of the characters that they took out though like Beregond and there are a few scenes in the book that I really like that they didn't have but oh well. The books are always the best anyway. Two Towers is def. my favorite movie. I noticed that the music wasn't very strong in ROTK. It was mostly variations of music that is in the other movies, nothing new. I still did love the movie though and I'm really glad I got to see it. I want to see it again. Also, I watched Reign of Fire and Draculat 2000 a while ago. I didn't really like Reign of Fire, but I thought Gerry did a good job of course. Actually his character (Creedy) was my favorite and not just because Gerry was playing him ;) It was so sad when he died. Dracula 2000 was my fave of the two. I guess it didn't get very good reviews, but I thought it was cool. I bought Mrs. Brown on Amazon. I don't think he's in that very much, but they didn't have it available to rent at Blockbuster so I just decided to buy it. I heard it was a really good movie anyway, so I'm sure I'll be glad I bought it. I am overwhelmed because we (my sis and I) are finally moving today and now I have to get all the boxes in the car and after that I have to call and set up a phone and cable and all that fun stuff (note sarcastic tone). Oh, btw I will prob. not be able to post another entry for a while because I won't have internet access for maybe a week or more. I hope it's not that long. I guess that's all for now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |