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Well anyway.... Ok, does my diary smell? Is it suffering from some sort of plague? The reason I am wondering is because I have done all the same things my sister has done, and she has people coming to her site. Not that many, but maybe 10 people have visited. You know how many people have visited my site? 0. Is it like too annoying or something? If it's too hard to read I don't mind changing it, but people need to let me know. I have my diary on the same search engines as she does. Some people might say I need to put the link up on mbs, but I did that and no one visited, but Lucy put it on her mbs and I think some people did visit. Maybe I am going to the wrong mbs *sighs* Well whatever, I guess I might as well say this diary is private even though it's not, since no one goes here. Oh well. Oh, and my life doesn't suck anymore than hers, so that can't be it either. I am not mad at my sis btw, that would be stupid, but perhaps I'm a tad jealous. Anyway... I watched "Boiler Room" today. I loved that movie. It is by far the best performance I have seen for Vin other than "Saving Private Ryan". I think I might like it better than XXX. I need to see it again. I bought that on Amazon (BR). I also bought the COR animated feature. I bought 24 hour Party People for Lucy. That has Steve Coogan in it. Btw, if anyone is ever thinking I need a life w/ talking about celebrities and all that, keep in mind that I don't post entries on here often. There is alot I don't talk about on here actually like my job (I'm a care taker) and relationships. I just want there to be some things that are still private. I know no one is ever going to give a rat's patootie cause no one ever reads this thing, but I wanted to explain myself for people that think all I do is think about actors and watch tv or movies. Ok, so I do that alot ;) but I do other things too. I really do not know why I wanted to explain that. I guess that's all for today. I am tired! TTFN! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |