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Fear Factor, Netflix, Pepsi
I joined Netflix. I'm glad I did. I tried and the rental site owned by Wal*Mart and I found that neither had a very good selection. Well, they did, but every movie I picked had a very long wait and I was only guaranteed to recieve movies right away if they were marked available now. W/ Netflix, every movie I put on my list was available now. I joined because I am really bad about getting movies back on time. This way I can keep them as long as I want. Right now I have "Dawn of the Dead" (both the old and new vers.) and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre". I've been feeling like watching alot of horror movies lately because of all these shows I watched during Halloween like "Scariest moments in movies" and that sort of thing. I got that Holiday Spice Pepsi today. I am drinking it now. It's good, but I don't think it tastes that much different than regular Pepsi. Oh well, I like to try new things. Hmm, I guess that's all I wanted to say for now. Bye! |