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more thoughts
My mom and I are going up north on Wed. She has some friends she has to visit and I'm just going to keep her company. Actually, there are friends I'm visiting too, but w/ her there are people she needs to see who are dealing w/ some personal issues. I will probably just visit my friend Dena when mom is visiting her other friends because I don't want to get in the way. I know I have said this before, but I really love typing. I like the way your fingers move and how the keys are in a comfortable place. I like typing better than writing. If you mess up in typing, you can just backspace or type something else, w/ writing (unless you are writing w/ a pencil), it's harder to correct mistakes. I like the feel of typing better too. I was just thinking about that. Lucy has a dentist appt. tomorrow at 12. She is not very good about making appts, but I really hope she makes this one. She needs to get all the problems w/ her teeth taken care of. I wanted to say something about my way of thinking. I am, by most accounts, crazy. I believe that in some way, fictional characters become real once they are put on screen (As I have said before, I do not believe the actors are actually the characters). This holds true for live action characters as well as animated. I believe that in some way, perhaps in another dimension, places like the SGC and Middle Earth are real. I know I sound completely wacko, but there are two differences between me and people who are completely gone. First of all, I know that I am crazy for believing these things. Many people who think like I do don't feel that they are crazy. I realize that I am. Second, I would never, in a million years, tell a psychiatrist or psychologist my beliefs. I know that they would think I had paranoid delusions or something like that and possibly recommend a visit to a certain type of hospital. I have known people who would tell a doctor about these kinds of beliefs (some of the nicest people in the world are certifiably insane), but I am either sane enough or smart enough to know that this wouldn't be a good idea. Therefore, although I am crazy, I suppose I am slightly saner (don't know if that's a word) or, as I said, smarter than some other people in my position. Yet another thing I was just thinking about. Well, I will probably be back Sat. and I may not post again till after I get back, so bye for now! |