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SG-1, movies, charities, etc.
I got the 2nd issue of the SG-1 mag today! I still have to get Lucy her sub, but I have to wait till I have more money. I made a promise that everytime I get paid I will put aside $100 for the trip to the convention. I only have $100 now, but that will be $700 come July. I am just forgetting about the money (not really, but just not thinking about it) so that I won't be tempted to use it, but I can have pretty strong will power when I really want to. I was just thinking, I should keep that up even when I'm not going to anything. It could really be helpful to have a lot of money saved up. I probably won't take all of the money w/ me either, maybe like $400 ($200 each for Lucy and me). Oh my god, I found my journal from when I was 15 at my parents house (actually my mom found it and put it in our den where I found it). It was funny reading it and kind of suprising. In some ways, I acted the same and thought the same way, and I still write in a similar way, but I also had a lot of ideas that I don't now and didn't understand some things that I do now. I was kind of naieve about some things and immature, but mature in other ways. I wasn't getting along very well w/ my dad during that time, but now I am. It's amazing what moving out of your parent's house can do for your relationship w/ them. I was christian during that time, bordering on conservative christian, which is definitely not how I am now. I am def. more open minded now and I am glad about that. I was very guy crazy, but I don't really think that's changed ;) I was supposed to go w/ Lucy and Becky to the movies today to see "Meet the Fockers", but Lucy was up late and was too tired to go, so Becky and I just went and saw another movie. We were going to see MTF, but I told Becky that if she didn't care I'd like to see another movie and see MTF w/ Lucy later. That way there will be one more movie that I've seen. She didn't mind and we ended up seeing "Flight of the Phoenix". To be honest, I hadn't really heard anything about that movie. I thought it was pretty good, but not really my type of movie. I like action/adventure, but it was more serious than what I usually like. Miranda Otto was in it (she played Eo'wyn in the LOTR movies). I thought that was cool. Giovanni Ribisi played this really weird nerd guy who Becky and I kept thinking was going to start killing the people *SPOILER ALERT!* (don't read on if you're planning to see the movie and don't want to know what happens w/ the character) ................................................................................................................. but that didn't happen. Anyway, I still want to see MTF, and I really want to see POTO again. On a serious note, I always try to donate to charities. I mean, I don't have a lot of money, but I have enough to get by and a roof over my head and family and friends who love me. There are people that don't have that so I always donate cans and clothes and money if I can and that kind of thing. Anyway, I had a lot of clothes that I don't need, so I gave them to my mom because she has a friend who takes clothes to people in Honduras. Than I donated $40 to a relief fund for the victims of the Tsunami in south Asia. I feel bad because I wish I could do more, not just for them, but for anyone who is in trouble. I think about voluntering, but I think that might be hard on me w/ my fibro, plus I am very introverted and I think I would feel uncomfortable around alot of people. I guess I can just do what I can. I am weird so I have weird thoughts... I was just wondering, how do we get either innies or outies? I mean the doctor (or whoever does it) always cuts the imbilical cord the same way so why do some people's belly buttons go in and some out? See I'm weird, but anywho. I have an outie and so does Daniel :) He has a very cute belly button I might add, not to mention a nice stomache ;) Oh! He he! I read in the SG-1 mag that Michael is going to be doing the narration for the audio version of an upcoming novel called "local custom" which, according to the mag, "is due to be released in spring 2005". This person named June Williams who works for Buzzy multimedia publishing which is the company behind the project (which will eventually be a 7 book series, LC being the first) said "His voice has a wonderful quality to it that should enhance the listener's enjoyment" Uh... YEAH!!! She sure said it! I am getting the audio vers. of that simply because MS is doing the narration and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I was going to show Lucy that comment, but I think I'm going to suprise her by buying the audio vers. of the book and playing it for her so she will hear him and be surprised, then I'll show her the comment. I have to wait a bit, but oh well, it's worth it. For some reason the brackets on my top teeth seem like they are against my top lip more than they were when I first got them which I don't think is possible since I don't even have the wire that actually moves your teeth in yet. Maybe it's just how they feel after I've had them for a bit. Ok I guess that's all for now. Bye! |