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SG-1 and Atlantis... stressing!
Back to what I was saying... So I'm worried about that, and I'm also worried about Atlantis. OMG, Ok they killed off cool characters in SG-1 (*cough* Janet *cough*) so I don't know if they will pull that crap on Atlantis too. They probably wouldn't kill off a main character, but still I'm worried cause there are alot of cool non-main characters. And for that matter, they might pull that crap on SG-1 again. I'll just have to see what happens. Oh wait... *SPOILER ALERT* Scroll over the black area to read. ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Ok, that's all for the spoiler. I'm going over to my Dad's house to do some yard work today. Apparently he sold the house, but he wants to keep it nice looking while he looks for a new place. I hope he doesn't move too far. God, change sucks!!! I just have to say thank god for Archie comics! In all this change it's nice to know that at least one thing will remain constant. Some of the clothes and styles might change, but basically everyone in the Archie universe stays the same. Bless them! ha ha! K, I guess that's all for now, bye! |