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The fair, trip to visit friends, BSB concert, SG-1 & Atlantis Oh my goodness I have been neglecting my diary! Well once again a lot has been happening. First of all, I don't think I wrote about going to the fair. We went the Sunday of last week (8-14-05) It was the last day. We had a lot of fun of course. It's usually hard to have a bad time at the fair. We saw all the in-door exhibits and we were going to go on the ferris wheel (the only ride we ever go on) but it was out of order. The following Tues. I went with Lucy to visit our friends Dena and Enrique. They live about 4 hrs. away and I drove all that way. It was the farthest I have ever driven. I am definitely getting more confident in my driving skills. Finally, last night we went to a BSB concert and whoo boy that was an adventure. Ok, I went to Map Quest to get the directions to the venue. Not a complete mistake, but I should have looked over the map and the directions to see exactly where I was going. I would have seen that the beginning directions (to get to the place) take you really far out of the way and then back around to where you need to go. Instead I just had Lucy read the directions to me. So, the place we needed to go was in Irvine which is about 10 minutes from Anaheim. However, the directions would have taken us all the way to San Diego; then we would have had to back track. Luckily we realized that we were obviously going too far about 44 mi. away from San Diego. The concert started at 7:30 and the sucky thing is we passed the exit we were supposed to take around there. I thought about it, but I decided to keep going. By the time we realized, turned back around, and finally got to the concert it was around 9:30. I was very worried that the concert was almost over even though when we were walking up to the venue we could hear the concert. We asked the ticket takers at the front how much longer the concert was going on and they said it was about another hour. We were glad to hear that of course. So we did get to see the concert, just not the whole thing unfortunately. We saw a fair amount though. We heard a lot of older songs and the last 2 singles on their new album. After the concert we bought 2 shirts (1 shirt each) and a program which was only some studio and candid photos and was $20 which in my op. was not worth the money but oh well. I guess it's a nice souvenir to have. My shirt was $35 and Lucy's was $40. I think it's kind of sad how expensive things are at concerts, but at least they are cool shirts. We had a great time at the concert of course even though we only saw the last half. During the concert one of the ushers came up to us and he said "I want you 2 to do me a favour"... at first I thought he was going to ask us to move because our seats were a little further down, but it was kind of hard to get to where we needed to be. I guess we were ok where we were because instead he said "at the count of 3 I want you to scream as loud as you can". So he counted and of course we screamed and it was very fun :) I hope BSB has another concert near us because I would like to see them again and not miss any of the concert. Back to MapQuest real qhick I just wanted to say I think you really need to look at where your supposed to be and find out if the MQ directions are really accurate. Many times there is an easier way to get where you are going than what is listed on the directions. I think MQ is often best used as a reference, esp. since they do have a map that shows the area you want to get to, as opposed to it being the only method you use to find out how to get where you need to go. Now it's Friday and we are watching Atlantis. It is an interesting ep. as it usually is. The same with SG-1. Oh man, that was interesting. Baa'l is back and so are several clones of his ;) Should make for some (once again) interesting upcoming eps. Ok, I think everythings updated for now. |