Even Stevens was on today. I taped it. Shia looks so cute (for a kid of course)! It was the ep. where Ren has to do that display and she gets detention. I love that part when Lewis is talking to Ren on the walkie talkie and he's all something like "Unit 1 this is Unit 2 come in" and then Ren goes "Lewis I'm standing right next to you" ha ha. Even Stevens and That's so Raven are my favorite of the sitcom type Disney shows. My very favorite Disney show is "So Weird". That was a great show. I have had the to urge to look up people from Disney shows to see how old they are are, like from Lizzie Maguire and Even Stevens. It so weird how fast time goes by. Everyone is at least 18 now, not that I'm complaining about that ;) I wanted to say I would also call him adorable. Even though you use that word for like babies and puppies. I'd be thinking beautiful, but would call him adorable or cute, but mostly cute cause I think people don't look at you weirdly (or as weirdly) when you use an easy word like that. Sometimes with adorable it still sounds like a little too over the top or something. I am just rambling I think now. I haven't slept in a while, I'm not sure how long. I think I'm gonna go now.