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Atlantis,TGGEP, my dream, etc.
Well guess what I saw again today? Yep, I made my quota ;) 10 times! I don't know if I'll see it again. I want to of course, but too be honest I don't have a lot of money right now and going to the late show every night is kinda streching my budget. Well at least now adays it doesn't take long for movies to come out on DVD. I took back Constantine and "I'Robot" today and accidentally took them to the wrong place, in other words I took I'Robot to Hollywood Video and "Constantine" to Blockbuster, but each movie was supposed to go to the other place. I had to make a special trip to both places today to exchange the videos. I guess it happens fairly often. It was kind of embaressing, but also funny. I was annoyed earlier today and I'm still frustrated about it, but not as much. Ok, I heard the last part of this song I like. It is a new song and I don't know what it's called or who it's by, but I was trying to remember the last part to ask my sis is she'd heard of it. Well the next song came on and I should have turned off the radio, but I couldn't remember what the song was at first from just the verses so I kept listening to it and then I remembered it was that song that goes "Somebody told me you had a girlfriend, it looked like your boyfriend..." So after I realized what song it was I completely forgot the last part of the song that was on before. It was driving me buggy! I still can't remember it, but oh well, hopefully I will hear it again soon. Oh two things that I keep forgetting to say. First, I have been into SG-1 for over a year now! I first wrote about it on 9-15-04. Coincidentally, I first wrote about my crush on Carson on 9-15-05. I have been into Atlantis since 2-08-05, so a little over 8 months. Thats another thing I wanted to talk about. I said I would never be as into Atlantis as SG-1, but I think it is quite apparent that this is not the case anymore. I absolutely love Atlantis! I love it as much as SG-1, if not more because of Carson. I think that I would rather go to Atlantis and work there as a scientist then be on the SG-1 team. Yeah so I wanted to say that. I believe I have said that before. God I love both those shows though man! I love being a geek and a Gater! WOOOH! He he. I had another dream last night. I don't remember all of it, but I remember in one part I was talking to my friend Dave who I haven't seen in a while. We were looking at pictures that I had taken that were of me and someone else, but I don't know who it was. Then I was talking to this guy who was blind and I don't know who he was either. I forget what I was talking to him about, but I tapped him on the sholder in part and told him something, but I don't remember what I told him. That's all I really remember. I always have weird dreams that don't make any sense. "Duet" is over. Eee I love that ep! Excuse me, I'm giddy he he. I'm gonna go watch some more Atlantis now :)