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Chels and some other stuff... ;) Listening to: various songs on Rhapsody (currently playing: Take the Long Way Home) Thinking: I love my friends, but it's good to be home Howdy :D I am back from visiting my friends Dena and Enrique. I had a good time. We went to a lot of thrift stores and got some great deals. I bought a Disney trivia game and played it with Dena. We played 2x and I won both times. I know too much about Disney trivia, hee hee. Oh, ok, also at one thrift store I found this cute Pirates of the Carribean key chain with mickey dressed as a pirate. It had a name (engraved) on it and guess what that name was...? That's right, Chelsea! Out of all the names it could be! So of course I bought it. I put it on my keys, so everyone who sees it will think my name is Chelsea, but I don't care. On Tuesday, we went to visit some of Dena's family, well they're kind of my family too because my mom and Dena are distant cousins. Anyway, they are all nice so we had a good time talking. Then we went to Cambria on Wednesday and shopped around there a bit. I drove by the house I used to live in and also by the house that Dena wants to have. I also went to the tide pools by where I used to live and listened to the ocean and just took in the beauty of it all. Cambria is a beautiful place, but there isn't much to do there. Honestly, I would rather live in LA and visit a place like Cambria when I need to feel renewed, then live in Cambria and visit LA. So I had a good time, but I am really glad to be back home. First of all, the only channel Dena has is NBC, so I had to watch the news and soap operas and shows like Law and Order. I do not like that stuff. As far as news, it's just depressing and most of it is stuff you don't even need to know. I get all my news from the Daily Show. That way, I know what's going on in the world, but I can see it delivered in a lighthearted way. Also, I really missed all my channels that I always watch, like Cartoon Network, Food Network, Nickelodeon, Sci-fi channel and of course the Disney channel. Speaking of Disney, I brought my TSR DVD, but I could only watch it at night when Dena and Enrique were asleep and then I couldn't laugh or react when I saw Chels because Dena would get annoyed. Consequently, I felt like I really didn't get to see her that much. On the way home, all I was thinking was yay, I get to really see my baby again!!! I was so happy to see the show on a big tv screen and to be able to actually react to the show. Speaking of Chels, I had a dream about her, yes :D I pretty much see her in my dreams every night, but there isn't usually anything specific and sometimes I don't remember my dreams, but this time I did. I dreamt that I was going on this mountain hike with Chels and I was with her, that is she was my gf and the part that I remember the most is we were in this hotel getting ready and Chels was trying to decide what she wanted to bring. She kept walking around the room, tapping the end of her nose, picking up things and asking me if she needed them. I was just thinking the whole time, damn you're cute! After we figured out what we wanted to bring, we started walking on the trail, which was really close to the hotel and then I woke up. It was a nice dream, but there are ways it could have been nicer ;) Still, I am always happy to see Chels in my dreams. Hmm, well I guess that's it for now. Bye bye! |