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Various thoughts and goings on Watching: Southpark Thinking: Cartman is evil! (yeah, I know, tell you something else you don't know ;)) OMG, "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby." I SO want to see that movie! "Help me Tom Cruise!" HA HA HA! I hardly ever crack up when I just see commercials for a movie, but I do for that one. Will Ferrell, I tell you, well he's one of the reasons I started that "cute-n-funny" diaryring. So let's see... Well Dave, Lucy and I visited my Mom yesterday. She was kind of out of it. She was saying it was warm when it wasn't and that she heard voices and stuff. It was weird, but Wendy said it's the pain medicine. At least she isn't in pain. I'm going to be glad when she is able to get out of the hospital though. We were supposed to go to the movies, butit didn't work out because Lucy wasn't feeling well. Oh well, maybe we'll try again later. I have this problem where I'll make a decision and then think later, 'what the hell was I thinking?' I picked out the glasses I am currently wearing, they are rather plain, just simple slightly sqare glasses with silver frames, rather boring. I generally like to get glasses that have some style, but look good on me. So I'm looking at the glasses and thinking, 'yeah, why'd I get these?' I think when I first looked at them I thought the color was pretty or something. Oh well, in a year I can get new glasses, then I'll remember to get ones with style. I had a doctor's appt. today for my stomache. The doctor doesn't know what is going on, so I am getting a cat-scan in a few days. *sarcasm* Whee, fun. *end sarcasm* Hopefully they can find something cause I'm not feeling normal. Ooh, guess what I bought? Don't you want to guess? No? Ok... "High School Musical"! So I'm happy :) I also rented "Final Destination 3", but we haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I went to Wal*Mart today and bought some clothes. I have gone down another pants size, so got some jeans and 2 tee shirts. I also bought a purse, even though I didn't really need one. I like it better than the purse I have now and it was a good price. It has a heart on the front and says "Love" :) Welp, I guess that's it for now. |