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TSR, CSI, and fun with base numbers
Watching: Eureka 7 Thinking: It's pretty cool
I accidentally washed my phone :p It was working fine, except that I couldn't turn it off or on, and that included when I got a call, talk about annoying. So, I got a new phone. I wanted the same model because I have a face plate that I like a lot. My old phone was a K9. The only phone on sale at Virgin mobile was the K10 Royale, but it's the same design, so I can use the face plate. It was cheap. It cost me $20 plus I got $20 of air time. Sweet! It's a pretty cool phone. I got some games for it. They are kind of expensive, so I'll probably get a couple more and then call it quits. Actually, everthing costs money, so I'm gonna try to get my phone where I want it and then not buy anything else. Anywho, I'm glad I have a phone that turns off when I want it to :p I got to see two new eps. of TSR yesterday. Yay! The first one was the one where Raven goes with Chelsea and her mom to a cabin for their mother/daugter retreat. Raven goes becuase she has a vision that there is going to be a cute boy there. She doesn't want to hang out with Chels and her mom, but then she realizes that isn't fair to them and she should be spending time with them instead of with the guy. It was a good ep. I usually like the eps. where Chels is in there a lot. The next ep. was one where Raven has to host a "camping trip" in her house for the Sunshine girls. Sydney is mean to Raven because it makes the other girls laugh and she wants to fit in with them. Of course she learns at the end that that is wrong and gets her friends to laugh about stuff that is not mean. It was a good ep, but I like the first one the best :) The latest CSI ep. was good. It was a stand alone and rather creative. I taped it and I'm glad I did. The next ep. is going to have stressful stuff going on with Greg. I am not looking forward to it :( Now for the real fun... I have been wanting to talk about working with different base numbers for a while. It is so fun! Ok, it might not be fun for everyone, but it's fun for me :D Woo! Let's learn some things, shall we? It's very easy, yes. Ok, base 10 is composed of 10 numbers. That is 0-9. There are 10 numbers because we start with zero, but the first set of numbers does not go to 10. Then we go 10-19 then 20-29 and so on. With me so far? Well I hope so. This should be pretty simple as it's the base we are all used to using. Ok, so any other base would contain the same number as the base, always starting with zero and then leading up to the number right before the base number. For example, let's do base 5. That would look like this 0-4. So, what would normally look like ten would actually be 5. It would be like 0 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 22 23 24... and so on. Fun, huh! Now that you know about base numbers, you can mess with people. You can do a math problem like 1+4= and ask people if they know the answer. when they say duh, it's 5. You can say no, it's 10! When they call you a moron, just tell them you are using base 5 and they will think you're a genius, or maybe just be pissed off at you, but either way you'll have fun, huh? Wee! You can also do codes. Like, for instance a dumb easy code would be A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, etc. a cool, harder to figure out code would be a base like let's say 3. Then it would be A=1, B=2, C=10, D=11, E=12, F=20, etc. It will be harder to figure out. So, that is fun with base numbers. I hope you enjoyed the lesson... What? You didn't think it was fun!? You thought it was boring? Hey, don't call me a nerd. I'll have you know I'm more of a geek all in all ;) Ok, maybe it's not for everyone, but I sure think it's neat!
base 2(aka binary)= 0 1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 10000 10001 10010 10011 base 9= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 base 4= 0 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33 100 101 102 103