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Venting and I won't be back for a while
Thinking: I really need to vent Ok, I've got a lot of stuff going on. Well it seems like a lot to me anyway. On a good note, I did see ATU last Tuesday, but only once. I can't remember why. I think I had a doctor's appt. Anyway, on Sat. Lucy and I saw it twice again, and we are going to see it twice on Monday. I am so exited. Geez I love that movie! On another good note, I taped the Robot Chicken and Family Guy Star Wars specials. I like that I have them on the same tape, with Robot Chicken first, especially considering the scene at the end of FG. I like some eps. of RC, but for the most part I'm not that into it. I did think the SW special was funny though, especially the Star Wars On Ice scene at the end. That was great. I have to say, however, that even though it was 2nd, FG was my fave. I loved when Meg showed up in the trash. The only thing Lucy and I were wondering about is where the heck was Joe? He was the only semi main character that was not in the ep. Heck, he was practically the only FG character period who was not in the ep. It seems like they could have found some place for him. Oh well, maybe they are planning a sequel and he's going to be in that one. We were saying maybe he is going to be Yoda. That would be funny and it could work, somehow. I don't know, but he is definitely a character that you notice when he's not there. Now for the annoying stuff... First of all, I am having surgery on my left hand (that is the one with which I write) because I have a pinched nerve in my wrist. Because of this, I probably won't be able to type or write (at least not well) for a couple of months. That is going to suck. That's also why I wanted to post on here. It's been a while anyway, and I didn't want to get the surgery done without talking about it on here first. Next is the money situation. I made a stupid mistake this month and paid my rent before all my money had come into the bank. The landlord lets people turn in their checks as late as the 5th without a penalty, so I thought she cashed them all at once, after the 5th. Duh, of course she doesn't take like 100 (or however many people are in the park) checks to the bank all at once! So I got 2 overdraft fees. Luckily, Wells Fargo was willing to give me the money back from one (thank goodness), but I also bought too many things this month that I really didn't need, and generally made some dumb decisions, and now I have about $20 to last me for the rest of the month. At least I have food, and I think all the essentials that I need to get by. My Mom said that our family often seems to have financial problems in October (My Mom and my Dad have all had problems before, but it has been worse this month), and I guess that has held true for me. The worst thing, however, is that I had to get a cash advance (but the money is still gone after bills and buying food), so obviously that is going to be taken out at the first of the month. Well I am just praying that I will be able to get another cash advance next month because that is when we are supposed to see the Miley concert. I don't know what I'm going to do if I don't have any extra money. I am going to be screwed and have to cancel the concert, as well as be extremely tight for the month, worst than this month. So I am just really hoping that doesn't happen. Finally, regarding that accident that happened, to this date, exactly 1 year, 1 month and 1 week ago... Apparently the lady that I hit is filing an injury claim and she hired a lawyer. I am sure it's not that big of a deal. I was insured afterall, but what I don't get is why did it take over a year for her to file the claim? I got whiplash after being rear ended a few years ago, and I dealt with it in a few months. Not only that, but I didn't need to hire an attorney. All I wanted was to have my bill paid because I didn't have insurance at the time. The AAA guy I talked to said it sounded like it wasn't anything serious. After the accident she got out of the car. I asked if she was ok, and she said she was. She wasn't having trouble walking, or anything like that. If she is really still having trouble after a year than fine, but how does she know it is even from the accident? Also, she was driving a huge honkin SUV that barely got it's bumper dented. I know I made a mistake. It was one of the stupidest ones I've ever made and I learned a very hard lesson, but my car was way more banged up than hers, and I just don't see how I could have caused that much damage. If, however, I somehow did, I do want to say if that lady is really having problems, I hope she is ok. Anyway, the guy from AAA (who's name is John Williams interestingly) said that since I was insured at the time, it shouldn't be anything to worry about. He said he would work with me and let me know what's going on. I am going to be very glad when it's all over. I know most people (if not all people, at least at some points in their life) have to deal with stressful things, and some people are obviously a lot worse off than me, but I can't help worrying about things, especially when everything seems to come at once. I am going to be so relieved when all of this crap is worked out. Now to end on another good note... the TSR ep. that was on last night was "A Goat's Tale", which is my fave ep. I was very glad to see that ep. again, because it had been a while. I love the way Chels is with Gomez. Ok, I guess that is it for now and probably for a while... |