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A show that starts with a b and ends with a ones ;) (spoilers)
Thinking: About a certain person and show and also that I need to clean the house Sooo guess what came in the mail on Monday... Yes, that's right. I won this in an Ebay auction. It is a script of the Bones pilot signed by Emily, David, Eric, TJ, Michaela and Bones creator Hart Hanson. I also got season 1 and 2 on DVD. So, as you can imagine, I am rather happy :) Speaking of Bones, the ep. on Monday was pretty good. It was not as stressful as I thought it would be, but I still didn't like it that much. Bones' Dad was on trial for muder, and the squints had to help the prosecution by showing how he could have commited the murder. No one wanted to testify except for Zack. He thought of it like a competition. Obviously he cares about Bones, and doesn't want her to be hurt, but he thinks very in the moment, so he just wanted to show that he could prove her father commited the crime, not really being aware of the ultimate possible outcome of his actions. There was one part where the guy that was working for the defense found something in the skull of the victim and Zack had missed it. He had to say he made a mistake and I felt so bad for him! Even though I didn't want Bones' dad to be guilty, I still couldn't help feeling bad that Zack was wrong because it upset him. I can't help it, you know! Anyway, the jury ended up declaring him not guilty and at the end Zack was smiling, so he was obviously glad that Bones' was happy and that her dad was ok. Speaking of Zack... look what I made... I'm hoping it fits into the fair use act regarding copyrighted material and that I don't end up having to take it down. There are some Bones vids that have been taken down, but others that have been around for a while. The ones that are still up seem to be more like my pic show (without any long scenes or dialogue), so hopefully I'm ok. I also have a few other vids, including one of my paintings, which aren't that great, but I love painting anyway. If you want to see any of my vids, just go to and type Alonway in the search engine. I bought a portable dvd player so I can watch Bones eps in my room. I am really enjoying it. I had 2 others, but they both conked out on me. Hopefully this one will last a while. I am up to, I believe, the 6th ep of season 1. I have seen quite a few of the eps. I thought I started watching in season 2, but apparenty it was season 1. That is rather sweet! Ok, I guess that's it for now. |