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Lakers/Jazz game & speculation about latest Bones ep. (major spoilers!)
Thinking about: Take a wild guess... Ok, I have a lot to talk about. First of all, the main thing I want to talk about is Bones, but before that I wanted to talk about watching the Lakers/Jazz game on Wed. That was a pretty sweet game. I mean they pretty much had it in the bag (the Lakers that is) by the end, but it was a little iffy through quite a bit of it. Oh, Lakers won 111-104 . They were in the lead for most of the game, except Jazz tied a few times. I got very anxious and whenever the ball went to their side and I was like "No, don't make it, C'mon miss!" and other such phrases. Of course when it was on the Lakers end I was like "C'mon make it, make it!" I love watching Basketball, I tend to get really into it, especially if I am watching a team I love, and being that I live very close to LA, well of course I'm a Lakers fan. However, Eric is a Blazer's fan because he's from Oregon, so I'm a fan of them too. If I saw a Lakers/Blazers game, I would probably be happy if either team won, so I don't think I'd be yelling all that much, just watching to see what happened. However, I think I might be happier if the Blazers won because Eric would want that and that takes precedence over a home team winning. During the game, the announcers talked about the stats of the players. I don't get any of that. All I know is the winning and losing scores. I like watching and playing some sports, but yeah, I've never gotten into them as far as all that stuff. I still have fun though. Oh and that game was the playoffs, but I don't even know if they are over now or who won. I think the Celtics were doing well, but I missed their games. Maybe I'll look it up, if I remember, to see who came out on top. Ok, I implied that I wasn't going to take that long to talk about the game, but as usual, I always take longer to say things than I plan to. Anyway, on to the stuff about Bones... First off, it occurred to me that maybe I was a bit harsh calling Pam a B-word and saying I'm glad she's dead and all that. I realize that Pam had issues and that she was mentally unstable and maybe she couldn't really help behaving the way that she did. However, I am not going to change what I said because I am still angry that she did that, even if it was because she had issues and at the time I wrote it I wasn't thinking about that anyway, I was just mad at her. Also, I don't understand why stalkers are the way they are. Or why people kill someone and then themselves. Why are some people so selfish and inconsiderate of others? If someone likes a person and that person doesn't like them, they need to get over it! There are plenty of fish in the sea, as is said, and someone's bound to like them. Also, if a person wants to commit suicide, whatever issues they have, ok, they probably don't really need to make that decision, but if they think they do, why do they have to bring someone else down? Someone who didn't even want to die? I just don't understand it and I know these people usually have major issues, but I have issues and I don't stalk people or kill a loved one (as is usually the case) and then myself! Anyway, got into a bit of a rant there... Back to Bones, I have been reading A LOT of spoilers. Pretty much everything I can get my hands on. Thanks to someone not putting spoilers (although I might have read it anyway since I want to know if I have to prepare for anything stressful), I found out that Zack is injured, but he doesn't die (thank god), so after that I wanted to read everything I could mostly about that situation, but also everything else. Concerning the Booth situation, it turns out he planned to have Pam shoot him because he is faking his own death as a way to try to mislead Gormogon and drive him out. Gormogon is this serial killer whom has been involved in several episodes of season 3. In the first episode involving him (the first ep. of seas. 3, a person was caught, but it turned out it he was not the only person involved. Oh Gorgomon is a conspirator and he eats the flesh off of sculls. He is trying to bring down some cooperation, I don't really understand all the details of it. So, the guy they caught was an apprentice. The original Gormogon was this really old guy with Alzheimer's and I don't think they ever caught him, but I don't know if they caught him or if he died, or what. I missed a few eps. of seas. 3, which I'm trying to watch before 8, but I don't know if I'll have time. So, apparently there is a new Gormogon and he has another apprentice. I don't know if there is more than one apprentice. I think it is like there is a main Gormogon, then when he dies, or can't kill and eat people anymore :x, the head apprentice steps up as Gormogon, but like I say, I don't know how many apprentices there are, or anything like that. Hopefully it is just Gormogon and one apprentice. Ok, here is another kicker. Apparently Gormogon is someone who works at the Jeffersonian, or someone who at least has access to the place. So now, as you can imagine, conversations regarding who this person is are running rampant, as well as who might be working with him. People have suspected Hodgins and Zack, Hodgins because he's into conspiracy theories and Zack because of his time in Iraq, people are saying maybe it messed him up. Ok, I can tell you right now it's not either of them! First, there is just no way it could be. I can see in there eyes they are good people, I don't care what anyone else thinks, I just know it! Also, why would people who spend all their time helping to find murderers, including some who have performed acts even more gruesome, be killers themselves? I know people say well that's the perfect cover up, or whatever you call it, but it still doesn't make sense. As for Hodgins, I don't have anything to really say, just that I know he would not do that. As for Zack, he thinks very rationally. I feel so bad that he went to Iraq, because he probably saw some horrible things (he actually discussed some of it, such a seeing people who had been buried alive), but regardless of what he has been through, he always thinks rationally and scientifically. I don't think that would change, even if he went through a traumatic experience. The reason I am saying this is because it's not exactly rational to eat human flesh. You can get this disease, which is similar to mad cow disease, where you slowly go crazy. Zack knows this, so why would he do something like that? Also, there is the fact that there is just no point to it. Some people also said it could be Sweets, but I don't see that either. According to things I've read, here is what is known... Gormogon is (most likely) male, white, somewhere between early 30s to late 40s, skinny and tall. That is all I know. However, of course people say that all the speculation and small amounts of evidence don't necessarily mean that Gormogon really will fit into that description. As for his apprentice, it is supposed to be someone who's a teenager, I don't know the description, but it might be similar to Gormogon himself. People are saying everyone from Caroline (the prosecutor for some of Booth and Bone's cases, as well as the prosecuting attorney in Bones' father's murder case.), to the guy that worked as the forensic anthropologist when Zack was gone (I forget his name), to Russ (Bones brother) or Max (Bone's Dad). Max has killed before, but only to protect his family and there is no reason for him to do something like eat the flesh from the scull, so it really doesn't make sense it would be him. Personally, I think it is going to be someone we don't really know. I think the apprentice will be an intern and Gormogon will be someone who works at the Jeffersonian, but it won't be anyone that we would be really shocked or upset about. At least, I really hope that is the case. I won't know for sure till I see the ep., but I just can't believe it would be anyone we really care about. Ok, going back to Zack being injured. He gets hurt in an explosion. I found some pictures and his hands are bandaged. In some info for next season, it says that there will be a new forensic anthropologist. I am thinking this is because Zack is not able to work and he has to take a break so he can heal. Eric is not listed in the cast list for season 4, but some people were saying that maybe they just don't want to list him yet because they want it to be a surprise as to whether Zack is coming back or not. People were not sure if he would come back this season (what with him going to Iraq), but I don't know if Eric was on the cast list for this season. TPTB (the powers that be) may have just decided to do that this time around, to keep people guessing. David is in the credits, but obviously Booth isn't going to be killed off, so I don't think it's really a spoiler seeing that he is in season 4. Whatever the case, if Zack is gone for part of season 4, it better not be the whole season! And nothing better happen for him to be off the show completely. That CAN NOT HAPPEN!! Zack is, imo, the most awesome character on the show and things would not be the same with out him! It sucked just not having him in half an episode, I can't imagine a whole season! So, I really hope he gets better and things work out and he comes back! So yeah, as you can imagine, I am stressed about all this. I do want to see the ep. and get it over with, but I'm hoping that it will not be that bad and I will be able to relax a little after I know everything that is going on. That's it for now. |