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Idiot Republicans (not all Republicans)
Thinking: God, people in the government can be idiots! This is my first entry in 10 entries that doesn't have to do with a certain person and show (when I say show, I always mean the other characters because the characters make up the show, but it's easier to just say it that way, also I'm mostly thinking about Zack, but I am thinking about the other people too, so anyway). By the way, I am always thinking about that subject, but sometimes something will be more in the foreground, like today. Ok, my case in point (about the government): Ugh! Ok, let's think about the logic here. Alright, the republicans who blocked this proposal are making excuses for why they made that decision, but the alternative to accepting it would hurt the state a heck of a lot more than if they did accept it! WTH!?? God, something's gotta give for that proposal to be accepted because California is going to be screwed if money has to be taken out without the guidelines and/or restrictions of the proposal. Speaking of California, I have been so caught up talking about Bones related stuff that I forgot to talk about something extremely cool... Gay Marriage is now legal in California! I may have talked about how people were trying to overturn the law in California that gay marriage is illegal. They took it to the Supreme Court and they determined that making gay marriage illegal in California is unconstitutional and therefore it should be made legal. SWEEEEET!! I am so happy about this decision. Of course there are people who are still trying to change this decision and make marriage here illegal again, but I don't think they will succeed as long as people keep fighting them. Anyway, I am just really glad about this situation. My Mom and Wendy don't want to get married now, but Mom said she is glad she has that option. Ok, I am glad to end on a good note. That's it for now. |