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Latest Bones ep. (Spoilers) Feeling: pretty good Watching: Tyler Perry's House of Payne Thinking: I can't wait till 1, well I can, but you know what I mean ;) WAT is on at 1, so yeah. I just finished watching a new ep. of Bones. It was really good. Basically, this guy commanded his dog to kill a man because that man was going to expose a dog fighting ring that the first guy was running. The ep. dealt a lot of with dog fighting and talked about how wrong it is. The dog that killed the guy was named Ripley. He was a good dog and really sweet, but his owner trained him to attack on command. Bones got attached to Ripley and wanted to wanted to adopt him, but he got put down. It seems very messed up to me. People can get the death penalty, but only if they meant to kill someone, but a dog gets it no matter what, if they kill someone, even though they never mean to kill someone. It's unfair because they could be adopted by someone who understands them and will make sure they don't hurt anyone. I realize some dogs are aggressive and it wouldn't be possible for them to go to a home, but that's not the case with all dogs and I don't think it was the case with Riley. At the end, Booth and Bones buried him in the woods and Bones put the tag that she bought for him (it said "Ripley Brennan) on his grave. She also said some words about knowing that he was a good dog. Hodgins was dealing with his breakup of Angela and Zack being gone. Sweets wanted to talk to him, but he (Hodgins) kept putting it off. Finally he talked to him and said that he hated everyone "to varying degrees" and for various reasons. I know he doesn't really hate anyone, but Sweets said it's a coping mechanism. I hate that all that stuff is happening, I hope so much that Hodgins and Angela get back together and I'm still hoping Zack comes back. All I can do is wait and see. That's it for now. |