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Movies (Up, Night at the Museum, The Nines) Hello, I don't want to take long, just wanted to say a couple things. First, I went to see "Up" and "Night At The Museum: Battle of The Smithsonian" w/ Lucy the day before yesterday. Up was really good, but NATM was my fave. I like the ending the best. I really like Amelia. My fave character in Up is Russel. Speaking of movies, I rented a movie called "The Nines" that stars Ryan. It is a really frickin' good movie. The more things I see of Ryan, both movies and stuff when he is himself, the more amazed I am. He is just seriously wonderful. Anyway, I highly recommend that movie. In fact, I am going to go watch it w/ my sister right now. That is why I didn't want to take long ;) Ok, that's it for now. |