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My trip to the movies and the mall :) Hey, well of course I had a great time at the movies! We missed the last matinee, but we had the money to go to a later showing, so we did. Man though my sis and I were scared for a while becuase we had asked my dad to drop us off at Target because I wanted to buy a watch w/ my Christmas money. It is kinda far from the theater, but not too bad (maybe a 20 min. walk) and we had like 45 min so I was not worried and I fig. it would be nice to walk the rest of the way to the theater. So after I bought the watch, we started to walk to the theater, but we couldn't remember where to go! You have to turn down a street and we accidentally turned down the wrong street! By the time I realized, it was too late so we had to try and find a diff. route. We ended up making it to the theater finally (after like 40 min! LOL and of course we missed the matinee, but oh well). Anyway, I made it a point to remember where to turn so I will not make that mistake again! One thing that is good about my town though is that it is not that hard to find a place if you get lost. Everything is pretty close, but we just went too far yesterday and had to back track so it took longer, but like I say oh well. Oh, I don't know if I have said this yet, but I rented TTT for PS2!! It is such a freaking cool game!! I want to buy it sooo bad!!! If you get to level 5 w/ any of the characters, you get to see an interview of them (for instance, if you get to level 5 w/ Aragorn, then you can see his interview, but not anyone elses unless they are on level 5 also) I of course got to level 5 w/ Legolas and watched the interview! The level I had to beat before getting to level 5 was a pain in the arse too so I was very glad I beat it! The interview was soo cool of course! I love Orli's hair man! It is so curly :) My sis was calling it Hobbit hair even though he plays an elf lol but his real hair is more like hobbit hair lol My sis and I also went to the mall today! We had such a good time! I have not been to the mall in months (long time for me! lol)! Oh boy, it was like LOTR heaven!!! I got a TTT companinon guide, TTT book w/ the pic. of Legolas on the front, and a bookmark w/ the poem (one ring to rule them all...) on it. That also had a ring on it that I got a chain for and now I am wearing it around my neck lol. I know, I shouldn't do that! I won't be able to control it's power!! LOL! Anyway, I also bought a T. shirt! It has the ring and says "The Two Towers" on the front and it has most of the characters on the back (basically all except Merry and Pippin). My sis was annoyed about that. I think they should have Merry and Pippin on more stuff. I mean of course I am glad they have Legolas on alot of stuff, but Merry and Pippin are really cool too! After I bought all the LOTR stuff, I went to Old Navy cause I had a gift certificate. I bought 2 shirts, some cute pink, white and orange striped flip flops, and a snowman toy that you wind up and it shivers (it was really cute and it was on sale cause it was a christmas clearance). Oh yeah, finally I got all my Disks for the BTVS season 2 DVD. My Mom got that for me used at Wherehouse, but the guy who got the disks apparently didn't know what he was doing cause he only put 1 disk in the case! There is supposed to be 6! I mean hello! It is a whole season! lol Anyway, so my Mom and I went there today and I got the rest of the disks thank goodness! :) I guess that's about it. I had alot to say lol |