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Lots of stuff once again It's 6:24 am & I'm not tired because I actually went to bed early! It's a miracle lol. Well once again alot of things have happened. First of all, my Dad didn't have a kidney stone removed, he still has it, but he's doing good right now. I rented the movies "Shattered Glass", "One Hour Photo" & "A Mid Summer Night's Dream". I liked them all, except I haven't see the last yet so hopefully I'll remember to say if I liked it on here, but if not oh well lol. OHP was interesting & strange & sad. I felt bad for the guy. It was good, but not my type of movie really. SG was more my type of movie. It's about this guy who wrote all these great articles for this established political magazine, & it turned out he was making all of it up. It's based on the true story of Steve Glass. I really like movies where journalists or media people screw up because they spend all their time finding out how other people screwed up & these movies show they are human and make mistakes too. I also bought "Kermit's Swamp Years". That movie is so cute. I love Muppet movies! The last movie I saw in the theater was "Around The World in 80 Days". I thought it was a very fun & enjoyable movie. I wouldn't mind seeing it again. I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem for my sis because she has a crush on Steve Coogan, the guy who plays Phileas Fogg. Okayyyyyy! Thank God for the Undo button! I just somehow accidentally deleted this post & I was going to get very pissed because I'd typed a fair amount, but then I was like wait can't I undo this? So I right clicked & sure enough there was the undo button so I clicked and voila! Diary entry back, good as new :) Anyway, back to my entry. I told my Mom again that I wanted to go to Ojai w/ her and this time she listened. I guess she just didn't realize how much I wanted to go w/ her. Anyway, due to a mixup, she had a free night's stay left over from when she was there for the Ojai Festival, so we went down there for the night. We didn't do much because neither of us had much money, but we did go to some thrift stores & I got some good books. Also we went up to the forest area there on the hills which is really beautiful. I had a good time. Then, a couple of days ago, my Mom and her friends were having a circle at her house for Spring Equinox. I went over there to do some yard work & she said I could join the circle. It was nice, but apparently you are supposed to bring something or do something (like read from a book) on SE in their coven. I didn't know this because I don't think that is universal for every coven. So I didn't have anything, but I think they understood since it was spur of the moment that I was joining them. Our friend Judy was staying at my Mom's house so she also joined the circle. She is christian, but her son is Pagan & she really wants to know about his beliefs. I've noticed, personally, that alot of people in Ca who are Christian or Catholic are very open minded of Pagans. It is not like that so much in VA or WV. They don't really try to understand you, they just think you are wrong and that's that. I'm sure there are exceptions, but that's my experience. I love Cali. Anyway, Judy didn't have anything either. She just thanked everyone for letting her be in the circle & find out what they are about. So I was glad I wasn't the only one un-prepared. Judy is really cool. She is a nice person & she has my kind of views. She was staying at my parent's house because she is going to be in the audience for the Price is Right & the studio is near there. I hope she gets on & gets some good stuff. That would be so cool! It's probably a long shot, but you never know. I mean some people have to get on there! I was annoyed & still kind of am, but not as much because it's over w/, but the reason is my Mom was going to something in Ojai. I think it was a Native American thing and she asked me if I wanted to go. I really did, & she told me it was Thurs. but I forgot. I slept in & didn't hear the phone because I had ear plugs on. I should've had the phone near my bed so I would hear it, but I was like oh, they'll leave a message. Yeah, & I will get it after it's too late!! I didn't totally forget, I was thinking it was Fri, but I was wrong. So I missed it. I still feel bummed, because it was probably neat & I was just sitting home but oh well. Hopefully something else will come up soon. I had a dream last night. It's the first dream I've had that I remember since I don't know how long. I dreamt that I was driving in my car w/ my sister & we drove to a hardware store. I had trouble finding a parking spot, but I finally found one. Normally, not only would we not be shopping in a HW store, but if we went to one it'd be me who went into the store, but in my dream it was Lucy. So she got out & I was waiting for her & a couple of min. later 2 people got in the car, but I wasn't worried because I knew them. 1 of them was Sean Lennon (John Lennon's son) & the other was someone who was JL's son in my dream, but was actually made up. He was named John, but he was actually his 2nd child. Juliann was not in the dream. John basically looked like John, but it was his son. I guess I knew them & they were coming to visit. I don't know why they just got in the car. Dreams are weird that way. I asked them how old they were because I thought they were both cute & John said he was born in 77 & Sean was 2 years younger. So I was like, oh John is a year older than me & Sean is a year younger than me. IRL I think Sean is older than me, but it was dream. Then I don't remember if I saw Lucy come back, but all of a sudden we were in my house talking, but I don't remember what about. Then I woke up. It was a good dream. I guess that's all for now, and that's enough lol. This is def. 1 of my longer entries. TTFN! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |