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Some things I noticed in books and on tv (spoilers for Atlantis and Flash)
Watching: The Simpsons Thinking: I really need to remember to turn on the tv when I first think about a show being on... Ok, I know what I'm thinking is rather long, but here is why I was thinking it (it also has to do with how I'm feeling (the slightly annoyed bit): At 7:40 pm, I looked at the clock and realized that The Simpsons was gonna be on in 20 minutes. However, instead of turning on the tv, like I should have so I would be sure not to miss it, I decided to turn the tv on around 7:55 or so. I didn't turn on the tv around that time though, I forgot, until it was 8:18! So, I ended up missing the first half of the ep. That is why I was thinking that. Right when I remember that a show is going to be on, I am going to just turn on the tv. I'd rather turn on the tv too early, and just see the last half of whatever show is on, than miss half of the show I want to watch! Ok, it is past 8:30 now and I have to say I am feeling a lot better. Even though it would have been nice to see the whole ep., I'm sure I'll catch it eventually and at least I caught the end, which frickin ruled! "Ralph Wiggum: Pick a winner!" HA HA HA!! Ralph would make a better president than our current one ;) Alrighty, I've got lots more to talk about. I have really had a lot to talk about on my diary lately... or maybe I just like to talk, so I find things to talk about, hmm... I suppose it doesn't really matter, I'm not going to stop posting long entries, either way. First off, guess what is playing on Comedy Central? I'll give you a hint, it starts with a F and ends with a rama... That's right! I was watching Scrubs and during commercials they said that it would be playing on there. I am so happy that I will still be able to watch it on tv. I should have figured. I mean, they are playing the movies, so it makes sense that they would play the show too. The only annoying thing is that there are 2 commercials (as opposed to just one on AS) and they don't play the credits at the end. However, having it play on CC with some differences from how it would be on AS, is certainly better than having it not play at all! Speaking of Futurama, I bought Bender's Big Score at Walmart! I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I'll put my review of it on here, after I do. The Elf st and The Hitchhiker's Guide (the movie) came on Friday. I watched HG right away. I really like that movie a lot. I think it is very funny and the characters are cool. It is also rather sporatic and hyper, which is good for someone like me with ADHD ;) I probably won't listen to the album till the holidays start up again, but that will certainly be a fun thing to look forward to. That movie (Elf) is a holiday staple for me and now the st is too. A little more about Tommy's Tale: It seems that maybe Tommy thinks he wants a kid of his own, but really Finn (the son of Tommy's boyfriend, Charlie) is the one he should be a father to. I think Tommy is confused about this situation, because he is realizing this, but still thinks he wants a kid of his own. Again, I have to keep reading to see how things turn out. New eps. of Atlantis and Flash were on Friday! I am so glad we are finally getting to see new eps. I am also glad because a certain person (Carson!) is going to be on Atlantis again, at least for a few eps, and hopefully longer. I am quite excited! Both eps. were good. I think I liked them both the same. On Atlantis, the Wraith helped the Atlantis team defeat the replicators, and then the Wraith promptly skedaddled, probably to go plan there take over of Atlantis, since they don't have to deal with the replicators. That's gratitude for you ;) John found out about Teyla being pregnant and told her she was off the team. I feel bad for Teyla, and I do think she could still be on the team if she was careful, but I understand why John made that decision. He can't be sure what dangerse she might have to encounter while on missions. I'm sure he is just thinking about what's best for her and the baby. I liked the part where she was talking to Ronon though, "You know Ronon is a good name for a boy or a girl". :) At the end, we saw (what I am assuming is) a replicator that looks like Elizabeth. She was flying in a ship around the debri of the replicator planet with (what I am again assuming were) other replicators. I'm not sure what is going on with that, but it is certainly interesting... On Flash, a baby was born who was 1% "deviate". This basically means that the person has some kind of genetic flaw, either something that is noticeable or not, they aren't 100% perfect. If you are diagnosed as any part deviate, you are sentenced to death. How much of a crock of crap is that? Just because a person isn't genetically perfect, they have to die? Those people are still human beings with feelings, people who could lead happy, normal lives, if they were just given a chance. Ming is such an evil ass hole! Anyway, the person who finds out if people are deviates actually believes that they should not be killed. She tries to smuggle as many deviate babies out of the kingdom as is possible and take them to a place where the deviates are in hiding. Well as was rather predictable, Flash, Baylin and Zarcov found themselves with the baby when the smuggler asks them to take it and then is killed. They find the place where the deviates are taken and decide to try and help them by getting Ming's daughter (I forget her name) to sympathize with them (they figure it is better to go through her, than Ming, who is pretty much set in his ways and she is going to be the leader of Mongo eventually). She goes down there and meets this guy, who is the leader of the deviates (I forget his name too, I'm afraid). Ming's daughter and the guy hit it off romantically, but then the woman (another deviate) who raised the guy tells Flash a secret and that secret is... drum roll please... the guy is Ming's son and of course the girl's brother! So, Flash goes to where they are and stops them with the news, just as they are about to kiss (how awkward and weird would that have been!?)! Now, the girl and the guy are trying to work together to bring freedom and a better life for the deviates, but the girl thinks she can change her father's ways and the guy doesn't. After all, he choose to banish him (he actually did choose to banish him and not kill him, maybe there is some sort of soul buried deep somewhere in the evilness that is Ming. Personally, I think the power he craves and the horrible things he does, are an attempt to cover for some major insecurities regarding how he feels about himself and his leadership skills.) and keep his daughter, just because she was genetically perfect and he was not. I'll have to see how things go, but again, it's a very interesting development. I just found out on the news (I don't watch it very often, but I was being lazy about changing the channel after American Dad, yeah it's now past 10 pm) that a 62 year old man has been lost in the hills of Los Angeles since Friday. It has been raining and snowing all weekend, so the visibility is not very good. However, apparently he has had extensive millitary training, so I hope he is found alive and in not too bad shape. I wish him well and hope that he returns safe to his family. Ok, I guess that's it for now. |