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basically rambling Ok, well I went to bed around 5 am this morning, but I woke up around 8 to the sound of some type of machine grinding away. Turns out we are having the house painted and the guys were prepping the house for painting. I knew we were gonna get the house painted, but I didn't know when. So now they are still prepping and I can't get back to sleep so here I am. I'll prob. crash around noon or somethin. my sister is still asleep. I have know idea how she can stay asleep so easily, but I envy her. I am so not a light sleeper! I was watching videos a little while ago. I like to keep up w/ new songs, but I don't listen to the radio and I hadn't watched VH1 for a while (I usually don't watch MTV for vids). Anyway, there is some good songs out right now. ho hum. I am bored. I don't really have anything to say, but I still want to post. I am kinda happy about something, but I can't say what it is. It's a secret ;) I have to hide some stuff, I mean this is a public diary after all. I have to call to get my next driving lesson, but I don't want to. I really hate driving! I guess I gotta do it though. I'll call next monday :p Uggh how long does it take to prep the house?! I can't even hear the tv. Hmm I think maybe it was time for a rambling post. Don't always have to have something important to talk about do you? Of course not. I guess I'm done now. I'm really tired. I tend to ramble when I'm tired lol. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |