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News article - Regarding Ca's ban on same sex marriage
Thinking: I don't like change The Diaryland layout has changed. It looks fine, but I'm not used to it. Oh well. I found an article regarding the possible lifting of California's ban on same sex marriage: To quote Lucy from "Across the Universe" - "We're in the middle of a revolution". It's just like when other people have been opressed throughout history, like when women and black people couldn't vote, or when interracial marriage was banned. People will try to say it's not the same, but it is. There will be a time when same sex marriages will be accepted (at least by the government and I think most people), but that day is probably a long way off. The 2 arguments that seemed to come up from judges who thought the ban should stay were 1, that domestic partnerships offer the same coverage to a couple as a marriage, they just don't call it marriage and 2, that dps are easier to get out of than marriage, so it should be considered and advantage. Ok, yeah, you don't get it people! It is not about the benefits or how easy it is to get out of it or whatever. It is insulting to say that, because 2 people that love eachother happen to be the same gender, they can't legally get married, but oh, well you can have a "domestic partnership"; that's just as good, right? NO! Couples in a dp don't actually have the same rights as couples in a marriage for one, but even if they did, ok well why the hell not just call it marriage!? I mean it's like they are saying that it's ok for same sex couples to have the same rights (or most of the same rights) as an opposite sex couple, but same sex couples aren't good enough to use the term marriage. As for the argument that marriage is harder to get out of, are they trying to imply that same sex couples would be more likely to divorce? Yeah, tell that to all the straight couples that get divorced in this country each year. And again, it's the principal. Many marriages would last and maybe some wouldn't, but gays, lesbians, and bisexuals (for yes, bisexuals do marry people of the same gender, however, they don't suddenly turn homosexual, they are still attracted to both sexes, but they are in love with a person of the same gender) should be allowed to make that commitment. I think most same sex couples would say that they would rather have a more difficult process to go through if things don't work out, if it meant their partnership was truly recognised as marriage. I once read an argument from a guy who said that he was not married, but was in a long term relationship with his girlfriend. He did not agree with same sex marriage and said that if the ltr was good enough for him and his gf, why wouldn't it be good enough for gays/lesbians/bisexuals? Um, it might be good enough for some of them, but hello!!! One clear difference.... opposite sex couples have the CHOICE!! they can choose to either get married or not get married. Same sex couples don't have that choice. What a DUMB argument! I'd like to ask all the people that don't see why same sex couples have a problem with dps to think how they would feel if it was the other way. Opposite sex couples would have dps, but wouldn't be allowed to actually get married. Everyone would think it was terrible and didn't make sense. That should be the case with same sex couples as well. I really hope that ban is lifted, but I'm not gonna be too optomistic about it. It seems like for every victory, we suffer 3 defeats. However, the fact that so many people are able to speak their minds and argue against the injustice is a testament to how far we've come and how far we'll go. That is it for now! |