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Bones, Basketball, Obama
Thinking: Eric makes me happy! I have been very busy today. I am trying to catch up on all my online stuff, which is a lot and it always takes me so long to do everything. I decided to forget trying to change my layout. I mean, I'm still going to change it, I just feel like something different, but it will be to something that is pre-made. I can't find any Bones related layouts, so I'll have to see what else I like. Oh well. In other news, there is another board I go to called Eric_Online ( There was this graphic challenge where people had to make icons of Eric. I made 2 (they were actually of Zack, but obviously Eric portrays Zack) that were not as good as the others, but there were only 3 entries, so I still won 3rd place :) Here are the icons I made: My prize was to get 2 custom icons from the creator of the board. So, here are the awesome icons she made me: Omg, how awesome are they?! Very, that's how! lol! I need to work on my icon making skills, I tell you what! :P
So, apparently the Lakers won their home game and people are saying they still have a chance to win the finals, but not much of a chance. They have at least one more game in Boston. I don't understand it. I love watching Basketball, but I don't get some things, like in the scoring and all that, other than which team is winning in each game. Eric would know what it all means. I feel kind of bad that I'm not a better basketball fan, but I do enjoy watching very much, and rooting for my fave team! I wanted to post about this a while ago, but didn't get the chance. Obama got the Democratic presidential nomination. I am very happy about that. I really want Obama to become president. This country needs some changes man! Some of Clinton's supporters were saying they'd rather vote for Mcain. Um, what!? Yeah, even you Clinton's supporters don't agree with everything Obama says, he's still a better choice than Mcain! He doesn't even share any of the same views and this country would just be in the same hell hole for at least another 4 years! I was watching the news on CBS yesterday (which I do not watch unless something catches my eye that is not something bad) and they were showing the first lesbian couple to get married in California. It made me very happy to see. I know a lot of couples want quiet weddings, away from the media, which I obviously understand, but I guess they didn't mind being in the news. Anyway, it was a very beautiful ceremony. It kind of made me cry when they kissed. I found out that there is going to be a bill on the ballot in November that could make it so it says in the Constitution that Marriage is between a man and a woman. That is F-d up! The Constitution is supposed to be about protecting rights, not taking them away. If gay couples are allowed to marry, it wouldn't take away any rights from straight couples. However, if straight couples can marry, but gay couples can't, than the gay couples rights are being violated especially when it is considered that we are talking about 2 consenting adults, not polygamists, not pedophiles, or any of that crap. I really don't think that bill will go through. I mean it can't be written into the Constitution! I think that if it was, there would be another bill to change it. I hope that things keep going the way they are. I hope more states follow California's example and that gay marriage becomes legal throughout the country. One more thing that is totally o/t from that subject... I had been watching Law and Order: Criminal Intent. I was catching up on eps. on USA. I was going to watch new eps. which are playing on USA on Sunday. However, I don't know any of the people. I think the main person is from Law and Order, but I don't really know him and I don't know his partner. I also don't know their bosses. My favorite character is Goren and I didn't see him and my 2nd favorite characters is Eames (Goren's partner), I also didn't see her. Apparently something happened with Goren and unfortunately I missed the ep, but I guess he left, but I didn't know it was for good and I didn't know Eames would be gone too! Maybe it isn't for good, but I don't want to watch eps where I don't even know the people! It's not like Bones. I mean even if Zack isn't there, at least everyone else is, people that I know! So yeah, so much for watching Law & Order:CI :/ Well, I guess that's all I want to talk about for now. Hopefully I'll have the layout changed by my next post. |