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4th season of Bones! Feeling: excited and nervous Watching: The Simpsons Thinking: It's finally here! 4th season of Bones is starting in a little over 10 minutes. I am excited, but nervous (as mentioned above). I am glad I will be seeing most of the characters again, but it will be the first time not seeing Zack for the whole ep, which will be strange. I don't know if they are going to mention anything. There is always 3 months that goes by in that world between seasons, so like I say, I don't know how they will got into the situation with Zack. I'm sure they will mention it, but I'm not sure when or how. Actually, I know that Booth and Bones go to England in this one, so I'm not sure how much we will see the other Squints. Hopefully a fair amount, I am looking forward to seeing Hodgins again, even though things won't be the same without Zack around so that we can have those Hodgins and Zack moments. I'm gonna miss those. Anyway, I'll post later to say what I thought of the ep. By the way, the name of it is "Yanks in the UK". Cute ;) Ok, that's it for now. |