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Trip to the Mall, Chicken Little, Atlantis Hmmm... I wish I could remember how to do that 3 options thing. I know I can just put all that up here anyway, but it's so much more convenient to have the three options list. Oh well. So I did finally get to go to the mall Wednesday. We went to Hot Topic, the Disney Store and a few others (can't recall the names right now). We originally went because we were going to get Chicken Little beanies at the Disney Store. I was going to get Fish (favorite character) and Lucy was going to get Abby (her favorite character), but when we got there, we didn't really like the way the beanies looked. They had some really neat looking plastic figures, but they were almost $10 which was a little more than I wanted to spend since I'm kind of low on money. Anyway, Lucy needed a keychain pen and she found one of Tinkerbell there so she got that. I found a Stuffed holiday Tigger (it's light orange and white, instead of the regular colors, to look more "holidayish") on clearance for $4 and I had to get that since Tigger is my favorite Disney characer (and pretty much my favorite animated character all around) so I got that. So, we did end up both getting something at the Disney Store, just not what we originally came for. The bag that we got has a picture of Asland from the Narnia add on one side and Chicken Little on the other side. It's a cool bag. We are keeping it. Yeah, were sad keeping a bag, but oh well. After the mall trip, we went to see "Chicken Little" for the third and final (at least until it comes out on DVD) time. It was still just as funny and cool the third time. Now that there are other movies out that we want to see (or coming out soon) we promised we wouldn't see it again until it comes out on DVD and I can't wait till it does. Speaking of other movies, I'm going to go see Harry Potter with Becky today. That is my favorite of the books so I'm really looking forward to seeing how they do the movie. So far I've liked the movies, although not as much as the books, so I'm guessing this will be the same. I got to watch some eps. of the DVD last night. I watched "Hide and Seek" and "Thirty-eight Minutes" with commentary. It's so weird hearing Paul. He has a really cute voice though! He basically has a Canadian accent with Scottish undertones, so cute! He is very "guyish". What I mean is he was talking a lot about sports and girls and that kind of thing, just how you would picture a typical guy acting. He was also flirting with Rachel and Torri, but in a friendly way, not a serious way. It was funny. He is not really very much like Carson except that he says youngsters and lovely. I can only assume he gets that from his parents. He said they have very thick Scottish accents and that he basically based Carson on his Dad. The best part so far of the commentary was the talk about the musical! Atlantis By Candelight: The Musical, Starring Paul McGillion as Dr. Carson Beckett, Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan, and Torri Higginson as Dr. Elizabeth Weir; Written and Directed by Reece Thompson; Featuring the hit song "He's Just a Boy" as performed on the infamous Atlantis stairs.... Ha Ha Ha!!! That was my little interpretaion of the opening credits for the Atlantis musical. I didn't include any other actors because Rachel, Torri, and Paul were the only ones doing the commentary when they mentioned the musical. Torri said that Reece (who plays Jinto) had talked about an Atlantis musical and Torri said something about suggesting he write one. Then someone said something about Atlantis by candlelight and Rachel said that'd be a good name for the musical. The rest is from various things said throughout the commentary. Anyway, it was cool! Ugh, I really need to remember to wear my rubber bands. My Orthodontist keeps telling me I need to wear them, but after I get something to eat I get lazy, and won't put them on again for a few hours. I need to always remember to brush my teeth and put the bands back on as soon as I'm finished eating. Ok, well I guess that's it for now. |